Sunday, November 25, 2012

Whats on my computer?

Wow, great question...

Answer: Not Enough!

Well I guess thats my opinion, but with 1.2 terabytes of space there's no reason for me not to fill it up with more games.

We'll get to that later, but for now, I'm going to dive in and recap a few games I currently have on my computer - what games I'm playing hardcore, and which are collecting virtual dust.

Top Played: FireFall [Red5 Studios]
This mmo shooter is what got me out of my gaming funk about a month ago, it's a fantastic blend of so many different ideas and is such a fresh - and much needed - change in the mmo industry. The guys at Red5 aren't scared to push boundaries and try things other developers wouldn't dare, such as releasing the beta while the game was far from a polished state, and using member feedback to dictate the course of development. Crazy but true, and last week I voted to name one of the game's local species! They're so interactive with the beta community and you commonly run into R5 dev's while your gaming, and there surprisingly fun and... well normal. I could honestly go on about this game for much longer, and I definitely will in a future blog post so stay tuned.

Need to Play More!: Mass Effect 3 [Bioware]
Why have I not played this game! Like I've barely done anything, maybe 2 hours played... MAYBE. I seriously need to crack down, take a day, and put some serious hours into this game - I feel that it definitely will deserve it. I loved the original title, but never really played the second much, for no particular reason, and I don't want that to happen again!

Tried and True: Skyrim [Bethesda]
I just love the Elder Scrolls series. I got started years ago with Morrowind and have been a fan of each one since. Like many others, I've put a considerable amount of hours into the game, and it has so much replay value and is always a consistently fun experience whenever I play. Currently looking forward to Dragonborn DLC, and even more excited forThe Elder Scrolls Online in 2013!

Losing Traction: World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria [Blizzard]
Most people are either passionately for or against the most recent WoW expansion, I'd say I'm somewhere in the middle. The game just doesn't do 'it' for me any more, but I've logged so many hours and made some great friendships that I don't want to give it up. I started WoW so many years ago back in beta, played all through Vanilla, but took an extended break during Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. I run a casual raiding guild on a small US server, and the people I play with are one of the only reasons I still frequent Azeroth.

On Pause: Star Wars: The Old Republic [Bioware]
Wasn't initially enthralled with this game - honestly way preferred the old Star Wars: Galaxies - but as a Star Wars fan from childhood, I would like to play it because of the Star Wars world, more than the actual game itself. With other games on the go I decided not to play past the free trial, but today SWTOR has gone FTP so I'll likely get back into it.

Maybe Later: Rift [Trion Worlds]
I originally played this game when I first became disillusioned with WoW. It is a very good game from my experience, a nearly perfected version of the traditional mmorpg mold. Unfortunately, that is also why it failed to keep my interest, as I needed a fresh change, and this game just didn't provide enough to warrant giving up on all the time I've dedicated to WoW.

Honourable Mentions:
League of Legends [Riot] - Have played LoL sparingly, more so because friends were playing and I just never got that into it.
The Secret World [Funcom] - A very interesting game that captured my attention and I was very close to giving it a run. Provides some nice changes from the traditional mmo

On the Horizon: 
GuildWars 2
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I've hoped you enjoyed my spiel about what going on in my gaming life, I plan to do some more in depth reviews of some of the above games in the near future, as well as other gaming related stories.

If there's any games you think I need to try, leave a comment and let me know!

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